Sarangi Maestro Ustad Kamal Sabri Also Composer, Singer, And Songwriter, Was Awarded The Dada Saheb Phalke Icon Films International Award 2024 (DPIAF) In Dubai.

The 3rd Dada Saheb Phalke Icon Films International Awards took place on June 24, 2024, at the Bristol Hotel in Dubai. Sheikh Isa Bin Abdullah Almalla Presented The Dada Saheb … Read More

डायरेक्टर कुमार नीरज की फिल्म नफीसा ऑक्सफोर्ड यूनिवर्सिटी लंदन में प्रदर्शित होने वाली पहली भारतीय फिल्म बनी

यह डेढ़ सौ करोड़ भारतीयों के लिए बेहद गर्व का लम्हा है कि स्वतंत्र भारत के इतिहास में पहली बार, “सामाजिक आर्थिक” मुद्दों पर आधारित एक हिंदी फिल्म को ऑफिशियल … Read More

“Golden Performance: Para-Athlete SANDEEP NEGI’s Stage Extends Beyond Sports”

Multi-Talented Para-Athlete Sandeep Singh Negi Clinches Gold In National Taekwondo Championship Delhi’s Sandeep Singh Negi, a paragon of versatility and determination, has added another feather to his cap by clinching … Read More

70 देशों ने डॉ. संदीप मारवाह को अपने कल्चरल एम्बेसडर के रूप में नॉमिनेट किया !

वास्तविक सम्मान और पहचान यूं ही नहीं मिलती। काम के प्रति समर्पण, जुनून और आपने जो प्रयास किया है उसे हासिल करने का उत्साह एक दिन में नहीं आता है। … Read More

The Inaugural WOW Mhahsa Season 2 was a Grand Success

WOW MHAHSA (Mental Health and Alternate Therapies Summit & Awards )2022 was organized by Shobhaa Mhahsa on 23rd April at Mumbai’s prestigious Venue RADIO PRESIDENCY CLUB. This event was powered … Read More

3D Animated film Supreme Motherhood getting good response from audience

With the goal of bringing the history of the ‘Khalsa Di Mata’ to light, Mata Sahib Kaur. Zee Studios in collaboration with Nihal Nihal Nihal Productions now gearing up for … Read More

Girish Wankhede – Tanuj Virwani – Sezal Sharma – Hemant kher Unveiled poster of short film PARCHAAIYAN to be screened at Cannes 2022 directed by Chandrakant Singh

Starting from May 17, all roads will lead to the Palais des Festivals et des Congrès, Cannes, France.  The film fraternity across the world will come together to laud the … Read More

Sandip Soparrkar and his son Arjun Soparkar walk as showstoppers for India Kids Fashion Week – IKFW

Sandip Soparrkar, is one name that needs no introduction. We all know how he is ruling the world of dance for decades. He is known for his charming personality and … Read More

Rakesh Sabharwal Bollywood Producer Director As Jury Member Of Miss & Mrs Top Model 2021 Finale Held Recently In Jaipur

On 17th Sept Finale Of Miss & Mrs Top model 2021 was held in Jaipur.  Mr Rakesh Sabharwal Bollywood Producer Director of Prince Movies was invited as Jury with other … Read More

Sandip Soparrkar On The Cover Of My Man Magazine

Bollywood Ace choreographer Sandip Soparrkar who is busy with his Online as well as Offline dance classes and Bollywood projects too poses for the cover page of the August 2021 … Read More

IPArtsAcademy – Create Art From Anywhere In The World

IPARTSACADEMY – We coach you to become an Artepreneur. Turn your passion for art into your professional excellence. Based in the middle of Gurgaon, an epicenter for arts, culture, design … Read More

Producer Rohandeep Singh will start 100 days in heaven tv show & Greed Web series shooting in Uttarakhand after Lockdown

रोहनदीप सिंह :- बिना दूरी तह किए कहीं दूर आप पोहोंच नही सकते!    उत्तराखंड के शहर कोटद्वार से मुंबई की फ़िल्म इंडस्ट्री में रोहनदीप सिंह बिष्ट एक सफ़ल फ़िल्म और टीवी निर्माता के साथ ही फ़िल्म वितरक बनकर उभरे हैं। रोहनदीप ने हिंदीफ़िल्मों के साथ-साथ हॉलीवुड स्टूडियोज़ और मराठी फ़िल्मों में भी फ़िल्म मार्केटिंग और वितरण के नए मानदंड स्थापित किये हैं। एक मध्यमवर्गीय परिवार में जन्मे रोहनदीपसिंह को आज भी अपने शहर कोटद्वार से बहुत प्यार है। फ़िल्म इंडस्ट्री की व्यस्त दिनचर्या के बाद उन्हें अपने पैतृक शहर में ही सुकून मिलता है। मुंबई में फ़िल्मी हलचल केवयस्तम हिस्से अंधेरी पश्चिम के अपने आफ़िस में रोहनदीप सिंह अपने अब तक के सफ़र पर आत्मविश्वास के साथ बात करते हुए भावुक भी हो जाते हैं। एक इंजीनियर मास्टर्स को बॉलीवुड में क्या करना था ? मेरा मूल गाँव ताड़केश्वर महादेव के पास चौड़ (पौढ़ी गढ़वाल) है। मेरे दादा स्वर्गीय पान सिंह बिष्ट गाँव में अपने समय के सबसे ज़्यादा पढ़े लिखे और विद्वान व्यक्ति थे। मुझेअपने दादा से बहुत प्यार मिलता था। आज भी उनकी यादें मेरे साथ हैं। मेरे पिता युधवीर सिंह बिष्ट और माँ माहेश्वरी देवी मुझे हमेशा उच्च संस्कार और पारिवारिक मूल्यों कीशिक्षा देते रहे हैं। सिनेमा के लिए आकर्षण तो बचपन से मेरे अंदर था। हमारे कोटद्वार में गढ़वाल टाकीज़ और दीप टाकीज़ दो सिनेमाघर थे। पर्दे पर हीरो-हिरोइन देखने के लिएलोग कितनी दूर-दूर से आते हैं, मन में सोचता था कि जब यह फ़िल्में बनती होंगी तो कितना अच्छा लगता होगा। लोग बहुत खुश होते होंगे जो बॉलीवुड में काम करते हैं। परिवारमें शिक्षा की प्राथमिकता सबसे पहले थी मेरा छोटा भाई हिमांशु बिष्ट कम्प्यूटर साइंस से इंजीनियर हैं और बड़ी बहन सुनीता रावत भी मास्टर इन बिज़नेस एडमिनिस्ट्रेशन(एमबीए) किया है। मैंने भी पहले घर वालों की बात मानकर पढ़ाई पूरी करने का निर्णय लिया। कोटद्वार के महर्षि विद्या मंदिर पब्लिक स्कूल से हाईस्कूल की पढ़ाई के बादटीसीजी स्कूल में इंटरमिडीएट की शिक्षा पूरी की। फिर इंजीनियरिंग की डिग्री के लिए हरियाणा चला गया। जेसीडी कालेज सिरसा से मैकेनिकल इंजीनियरिंग की डिग्री पूरी की,इस बीच मैंने घर वालों से शुरू में ही कह दिया था कि मुझे फ़िल्म लाइन में कुछ करना है। बॉलीवुड के सपनों की शुरुआत कैसे हुई? लेखन के साथ ही मेरी फ़िल्म मार्केटिंग के अन्य पहलुओं जैसे वितरण, प्रमोशन में शुरू से रुचि थी लेकिन मैं पहले ख़ुद को स्थापित करना चाहता था। मेरे पिता मेरे बॉलीवुडकरियर को लेकर बहुत आशान्वित नहीं थे इसलिए वह मुझे इसके लिए बहुत प्रोत्साहित नहीं करते थे। मैकेनिकल इंजीनियरिंग की पढ़ाई पूरी करने के बाद मैं पुणे स्थित एंडुरेंसकम्पनी, (बजाज ऑटोमोबाइल समूह) में काम करने लगा। मशीनो में मेरी विशेष रुचि नहीं थी तो थोड़े ही समय में मैंने नौकरी को छोड़ दिया। इसके बाद मैं मुंबई में फ़िल्मवितरण के बिज़नेस से जुड़ गया। जीवन में आगे बढ़ने के लिए मेहनत, चुनौतियों और संघर्ष का दौर यहाँ से शुरू होता है। एक क्रिएटिव व्यक्ति को बाज़ार के घाटे-मुनाफ़े केगणित में भी कुछ नया करना था। इस बीच कई फ़िल्म वितरण और फ़िल्म बिज़नेस कम्पनियों से मिला। मुश्किल लेकिन सबक़ सिखाने वाला समय – यह एक ऐसा समय था जब मुझे थोड़े मीठे और बहुत कड़वे अनुभवों से गुज़रना पड़ा। कई फ़िल्में व्यवसायिक असफ़ल हुईं तो कई फ़िल्मों के व्यापार में पारम्परिक वितरण केनुक़सान ने बिज़नेस के नए सबक़ दिए। मुश्किल के समय में इस शहर ने सबसे बड़ा सबक़ दिया कि यहाँ किसी के लिए किसी के पास टाईम नहीं है। कोई भी किसी के लिए बिना स्वार्थ कुछ भी नहीं करता है और अपनाफ़ायदा सबसे पहले तय किया जाता है। फ़िल्म इंडस्ट्री में विश्वास और परम्परा जैसे शब्द भी बहुत मायने नहीं रखते जिसका सिक्का चल रहा है, सब उसकी जय बोलते हैं। मुंबईऔर  बॉलीवुड में सिर्फ़ उगते सूरज को सलाम किया जाता है। उन दिनों ये मेरे जीवन का सबसे बड़ा सबक़ था। निराशा भरे उन दिनों में, मैं एक बार फिर दिल्ली चला गया। मुंबई बॉलीवुड के सपनों का अकेला ठिकाना – फ़िल्म के सपनों को पूरा करने के लिए वापस मुंबई आना ही पड़ता है लेकिन मेरे लिए यह आसान नहीं था। कोटद्वार से मुंबई वाया दिल्ली की योजना काम में नहीं आयी। दिल्लीमें साल भर से अधिक समय तक कई फ़िल्मों के वितरण से जुड़ा रहा लेकिन ऐसा लगता था बहुत कुछ करने के लिए नहीं है। अब घर वालों को मुंबई के लिए फिर से तैयार किया। फ़िल्म वितरण के अनुभव को इस बार मैंने बाज़ार के प्रोफ़ेशनल नियम के साथ जोड़ दिया। यहाँ प्रोफ़ेशनल का मतलब है कि आपको प्रोड्यूसर की फ़िल्म के मन की करनी हैऔर उससे ज़रूरी है सिनेमाहाल में फ़िल्म को रिलीज़ करना। यह जानते हुए कि फ़िल्म के बॉक्स आफ़िस पर चमकने के चांसेज़ कम हैं फिर भी प्रमोशन और वितरण के लिएभारी बजट खर्चा किया जाएगा। मुझे पहली सफलता इंडिपेंडेट डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन करके फ़िल्म ‘खाप’ से मिली, उसके बाद फ़िल्मों के सफल वितरण का सिलसिला चल पड़ा। अब मैंएक परफ़ेक्ट प्रक्टिकल आदमी बन गया था जिसे फ़िल्म वितरण में पैसा कैसे बनाया जाता है इसकी चाभी मिल गयी थी। अपनी वितरण कंपनी ‘जम्पिंग टोमेटो प्राइवेट लिमिटेड’ द्वारा कई हॉलीवुड और बॉलीवुड फ़िल्मों जैसे, खाप, बम्बू, लिसेन अमाया, राजधानी एक्सप्रेस, शॉर्टकट रोमियो, व्हाट दफिश, टॉयलेट एक प्रेम कथा, डेथ विश, गॉडज़िला 2, नोटबुक, ट्रॉय, जुमांजी, फ़ाइनल एक्ज़िट का वितरण किया। मैं मराठी सिनेमा के कंटेंट से बहुत प्रभावित हुआ और अपनेबैनर तले वॉट्सअप लव, बेरीज वजाबाकी, डॉम, मिस यु मिस, पीटर और ओह माय घोस्ट जैसी फ़िल्मों का निर्माण और डिट्रिब्यूशन किया। फ़िल्मों के मार्केटिंग और वितरण में कुछ ऐसी फ़िल्में भी आती थीं जिनका ट्रेलर देखकर ही फ़िल्म के कमज़ोर और असफल होने का अंदाज़ा हो जाता था, ऐसी फ़िल्मों से मुझेबहुत शिकायत रहती थी। लेकिन इन्हीं फ़िल्मों से अच्छी फ़िल्म बनाने की प्रेरणा मिली और प्रोडक्शन की शुरुआत हुई। फ़िल्म प्रोडक्शन को कैसे देखते हैं आप? सह निर्माता के तौर पर मैंने हिंदी फ़िल्म ‘शॉर्टकट रोमियों’ का निर्माण भी … Read More

Sandip Soparrkar on the cover of Multiverrs Magazine

Sandip Soparrkar has highly celebrated Bollywood Choreographer, who has Choreographed several Bollywood Actors.  Sandip Soparrkar is undoubtedly one of the most talented choreographers we have in Bollywood. Now as the … Read More

Miss World America WA Shree Saini donated her Cadillac Escalade car to children in need through Wheels for Wishes & Wellness

Miss World America WA Shree Saini recently donated her Cadillac Escalade car to children in need, through Wheels for Wishes & Wellness, a nonprofit that has helped grant over 10,000 … Read More

Academy of Creative Arts Boston is going global offering their 30+ different Creative & Performing Art Programs online

Location: BOSTON, MA – Converting pandemic into an opportunity to spread their love for art globally through virtual/online classes, Academy has added new programs to their suite of 30+ programs … Read More

Actor Brajesh Rai & Sanchi Rai Film JEENE KI UMMEED TUMSE HI Releasing On 12th March

Bollywood movies on Indian politics have been made for years now. There are several movies that made it big at the box office. Bollywood is one of those film industries … Read More

HISTORY has been created. First ever woman from the state of Karnataka to win the Icon Glamour Mrs. India Global

The Success Story of Sreedevi  is here to inspire thousands of women out there. A Corporate Vetaran from the IT industry with more than two decades of experience, From being … Read More

Producer Swatantra (Savi) Goel Making his Directorial Debut with Contract Marriage

In India, if cinema is religion, then the directors and producers are its curators. Today, the face of Bollywood has changed and the reason behind this brilliant alteration is the … Read More

Dr Naavnedhi K Wwadhwa Predicition came true Rubina won Bigg Boss 14

After 140 days of gruelling tasks, numerous fights, high-pitched-arguments, emotional meltdown and vote-outs, tonight (February 21) is the deciding night. Host Salman Khan announced Rubina Dilaik as the winner of … Read More

Fortune Teller and Meditation Guru Dr. Naavnedhi K Wwadhwa awarded with Femina Power Brands 2021

Dr. Naavnedhi K Wwadhwa‘s Fortune Teller and Meditation Guru has been awarded with ‘Femina Power Brands 2021′ by Femina India that recognizes brands’ efforts of advancing towards a gender-neutral world. … Read More

Mystique Event Juveria Nusrat organised Fashion show to support Makeup artist

Juveria Nusrat, director, Ceo of Mystique events Mumbai organized a gala Fashion show to support & promote the Makeup artists. The event was organised in a posh luxurious lounge Dhamaka … Read More

Sandip Soparrkar On The Cover Of Enlighten India

Sandip Soparrkar is undoubtedly one of the most talented choreographers we have in Bollywood. The dancer Choreographer never fails to impress us, be it with his brilliant performances or elegant … Read More

Dr Naavnedhi K Wwadhwa Is Awarded The Lokmat Lifestyle Icon 2020 As Meditation Guru And Fortune Teller

President of the Mumbai Regional Congress Committee Jagtapji, Marathi film star Swapnil Joshi and Minorities Minister Nawab Malik handing over Lokmat Lifestyle Ikon 2020 award to Dr. Naavnedhi K Wwadhwa … Read More

Director Jehangir Irroni Peshawar Gets Exceptional Response

Peshawar Web Series starring Rajeev Sen, Actor Ashmit Patel, Rakshanda Khan, Aadarsh Balakrishna, Rushad Rana, Shishir Sharma, Sakshi Prathan, Satish Sharma, Amitriyaan and helmed by Award – Winning director Jehangir Irroni … Read More

It’s A Wrap Rohit Pathak Completes Shooting Of CHECK Directed By Chandra Sekhar Yeleti

Actor Rohit Pathak has wrapped up shooting for his next, titled Check. The film is directed by Chandra Sekhar Yeleti and will release in 2021. The actor took to Social … Read More

Director Manish Vatssalya’s SCOTLAND Releasing On 7th August 2020

Studded with 62 international awards and having made into the coveted list of OSCARS Best feature film category, director Manish Vatssalya’s Crime thriller ‘Scotland’ is set to bedazzle the viewers … Read More

International Business School of Washington (IBSW)-College De Paris Is Ready To Welcome Students From India

Covid-19 has forced universities across India, and the world indeed, to suspend physical classrooms and shift to online classes. Due to the global lockdown measures implemented and its commitment to … Read More

Choreographer Sandip Soparrkar Shoots for A Magazine Cover Amid Lockdown

Amid the Coronavirus lockdown, Bollywood celebrities are keeping their fans updated with their daily lives. They are doing their bit to keep their fans entertained and motivated through these tough … Read More

Miss World Washington Shree Saini Received Heart Warming Message From Indian Orphanage

Miss World Washington Shree Saini and her family helps underprivileged children around the World get a better education and healthcare facilities. During this Lockdown, she received heart-warming messages from many … Read More

IBSW-College De Paris Is Ready To Welcome Students From India

Covid-19 has forced universities across India, and the world indeed, to suspend physical classrooms and shift to online classes. Due to the global lockdown measures implemented and its commitment to … Read More

Addatimes Web Series SIN Receiving Overwhelming Response From The Audience Globally

Whodunits, murder mysteries, Investigation and edge-of-the-seat suspense thrillers, Bollywood has dazzled us with several tales based on these themes. From the era of black-and-white films to the present day, we … Read More

Watch SIN A Gripping Series Of Passion And Crime On Addatimes

Whodunits, murder mysteries, Investigation and edge-of-the-seat suspense thrillers, Bollywood has dazzled us with several tales based on these themes. From the era of black-and-white films to the present day, we … Read More

Business After Lock Down Tips By Business Coach Arvind Khinvesra

Lockdown has been a great leveler. It has impacted businesses across the globe, industry and scale of business. However, whether you stay affected or recover lost ground depends on What … Read More